Pretend play…Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Mummies and Dr’s apparently!?!

Pop over and see all the Silent Sunday entries at Mochabeaniemummy

14 responses to “Pretend play…Silent Sunday

  1. Ahh sweet. And very accurate too, they’ve obviously been playing close attention to the NHS and trolleys in corridors :0)

  2. fab. these are the sort of games that memories are made of. brilliant, and love the new look. so glad your back x

  3. They look like they’re having a load of fun, brilliant games

  4. My two little ones like playing games like this, what a lovely photo!

  5. Great how kids use their imagination! Lovely

  6. They look like they’re having a load of fun! What fun to be young! 😉

  7. Hahaha! What fun 🙂

    The happiness shown on their faces is priceless.

  8. It’s adorable when they start playing make believe, we’re just starting on that journey, love it!

  9. The bottom of the stairs is as good a place as any! x

  10. Ah what a great picture xx

  11. Lovely. The patient looks rather happy. Can’t be NHS lol

  12. Super-cute! Kids rarely look so happy to see the Dr as this…

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